5 Jan 2009

Family (dir. Sami Saif and Phie Ambo)

This is a strange documentary. Something about it reminded me of a Hollywood movie. I think it was to do with the horrendous 'epic' music and editing which seemed like a conveyor belt to dramatic moments. It worked though. I cried at all the right bits. The film is about Sami (who directs the film with his girlfriend Phie) and his journey to find his father. When I read the blurb about this film, I wasn't particularly interested in this kind of story as it would seem a fairly predictable flowchart of possible outcomes. In this sense, it was predictable and despite Sami being pretty annoying (until he meets one of his brothers in Yemen) it was a moving story. Abandoned by his father at a young age, his older brother committing suicide, which was quickly followed by his mother's death, Sami and his girlfriend decide to make a film about his search for his father. A few long-distance phone calls later (Sami is Danish-Arab) and Sami is in Yemen where he meets countless relatives that are instantly and overwhelmingly loving. It was moving to see him with his older brother who was so warm and loving towards a doubtful and insecure Sami. It is infectious and Sami ends up comforting and supporting his older brother as he opens up about his own childhood experiences of their father. It's not a film I would ever bother watching again because there was nothing really beyond the description on the back of the DVD, but there were some lovely moments in the film.


  1. I Know His Older Brother, He Is Walid Khalil Saif.

    He Is My Uncle. As A Respect Him Like A Father.

  2. Dear Maria,

    please let me know where can I - legally - download or stream this film. It would be very important to me as this story very much resembles my boyfriend's story.

    My boyfriend is Yemeni - Hungarian. His father was studying in Hungary in the 80's when the (1st?) 1986 civil war broke out and he had to return to Yemen. My boyfriend was then 2 years old. His mother and father kept in touch via mail until the next civil war in 1994, when the contact was lost. My boyfriend's mother died in 2000. Knowing very little about his father - only his name, date of birth, home town, mother's name and that he studied at the Medical University in Debrecen specializing in psychiatry - we now decided to try to find him.

    We also might make a film, but he is not so sure about it yet, and I don't want to force anything on him.

    Anyway, we would really want to see this film, recommended by a friend on hearing our story. I would very much appreciate if you could tell me where can I find this film with English subtitles.


  3. Hi anna! The films is available through netflix.

    1. Thanks, but unfortunately netflix is not available in the Netherlands. Any other suggestions?

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